Friday, December 7, 2012

Family Foto

Dear Family and Friends,

If you have not received a Yearly Family Picture by mail and would like one from us,
please let me know in the comments or by email.
I have 20 that need to be sent out.

I started work on Oct. 3 and my son has been having a hard time adjusting to his Mommy working out of the home. I've had a hard time adjusting too, I miss my baby boy and want to spend more time with him, but I'm thankful and grateful for the position that I've been able to secure. I've already got a raise and am moving up in the company so, my prospects are looking fantastic!

It took some practice for me to learn how to work in a Law Firm as a Paralegal in a call center.
But, the quality Client Relations I give is a good key, as well as the fact that my statistics for calls per hour and call in a day, as well as Escalations (Assertive correspondence with Credit Bureaus and Lenders, on behalf of clients, which is commission for me) is definately a good sign.

I got my name put in a drawing for a free Mini Ipad for 4 categories.  That's definately good news. I'm learning how to help clients better and in different ways, everyday.

Christopher is 4 and loving Preschool.
He is getting used to Mommy working and Daddy at home.

Here are his Preschool Pictures

Robert cleaned my kitchen spotless today and was able to do lots of laundry and most of the items on my honey-do list.:)
Robert is working hard in school to try to get into the Master's Program for Information Systems. The Prereqs are brutal, as far as Business Statistics that he is in right now.
He has finals next week. This week we are trying to get a tree A REAL PINE TREE this year! And get it up with the decorations and lights, ornaments and all of the Christmas spirit up.

Christopher is having some trouble in school with following directions and sometimes being physical with other kids and his teacher as he gets frustrated. We think because he is a very tactile boy that giving him some extra excercise time and extra fine motor skill time can help him remedy this situation. He is the oldest in his class. So, he needs to be setting an example for his other classmates. He has a hard time conveying emotions as most toddlers and preschool kids too, when he feels sad, tension, confused or just needs some attention he may act out negatively to receive this attention- whether it's good or bad attention. He is smart and loves to look at books and make up stories and use his imagination and run outside and play with friends. Structured play helps him behave better. Free play time, is hard for him. He has so many choices and is not sure what to do, with the available stimulus he may become stressed- if you know what I mean.

I understand with the transition with Mommy working and Daddy in school and at home, he is adjusting to a new schedule and it's challenging for him. He wants to be independent and make his own decisions. He's extremely intelligent for his age cognitively and he excels in fine motor and gross motor skills, he loves to build blocks and make towers and legos. He just needs to learn to sit still and do what he's told a little better. 

If you have any suggestions on how to assist him with this, please comment below or send me an email.

Hope you're having a great month!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Time of Thanks

I love this time of year, the family gatherings are fun, often with complicated family dynamics it's hard to make them all though. I'm thankful for my baby brother and how wonderful he is to me, and our family.

I love the crisp winter air and the sense of wonder in children's hearts- especially my son's.
Thankfulness and Gratitude have been suggested to increase longevity of life, and quality of life.

Thankful List

Family- I love my son with all my heart. Husband helps me with laundry and dishes, and watches our son when I work.

New Friendships made
Old Friendships blossoming
How Humor blesses my life and laughter is the best medicine

Home- I am thankful for shelter from the elements
New Position at work- I am learning so much
The promotion and raise I received
Colleagues who are assisting me to excel
Learning new recipes
My 2 new pairs of boots that I love

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Picture Day at Pre-School!

                                                          Today is picture day at his school!
                                       He wanted to pay the photographers to take his picture in class!
                                                           Excited about his 26 cents!
                                                            Look how handsome he is!
                                                             My little jokester!
                                                               Hiding it behind his bac,
                                                             Ha ha.

I love my baby boy! He's so big! And handsome!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012!

                                                           Jake the Pirate with Maid Marian

Jake The Pirate, Robin Hood and Maid Marian

                                                               My Jack-o-Lantern
                                                        Nemo, Robert carved this for Christopher
                                                                Robert's Darth Vader
                                                         Trick or Treating with the Wagon

                                                Robert and Christopher. Bubba has a glowstick

                                                                       Mommy as a Hippie
                                                               Mommy with Christopher
                                                      My lil Jake the Pirate Oct. 31, 2012

                                                            No more pictures Dad!

                                                                   The Halloween Moon
                                                     A street light and the Halloween Moon
                                                             Very Eerie and Cool
                            Happy Halloween!
                               I had work until 7 pm and then came home to hand out candy and
                                trick or treat.
                                          Hope you enjoy our pictures.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

U of U vs Cal State 2012 and my sweet niece Kate!

                           Daddy blowing out his candle with his parents and Christopher and I

                                                   Utes blackout game huddle, during a time-out

                                                          Fun with Grandpa Clark!

                                                        My niece Kate born on Game Day!
                                              Birthday Ice Cream with Daddy on his Birthday (Friday Oct. 26, 2012)

                                             Madenline's Steaks with my Dad and Step Family

                                                      For Robert's 31st Birthday
                                             Nummy Bday lunch with Dad, Leah and Shauntae
                                             Dad's on the phone with Karin regarding the U game.

                                                              Yay Blackout Game!
                                                  We love the Band they look fantastic!

                Seeing this phenomenal Marching band makes me miss my Grandmother: Gram Gram Very Much
                                                      Cheering the UTES ON!

                                                       My little Junior Muss Man.

                                                     Christopher took this picture

                                                         Eeerie wolf moon

                                                     He thinks his cool mittens are punching gloves

                                                         Having a Grand Old Time!
Me and my baby

                                                               GO UTES Blackout Game!
                                            Go Utes!!!!!!!  At one point he said " Go BYUtes!" that made me laugh!

                                          Grandpa Clark and Christopher enjoying the Football game!

                                                           I love my Christopher!